bugcolle.TXT -
I have to make a bug collection. Is this not the stupidest idea to have ever come across the minds of science teachers? What's the point of this?...
christma.TXT -
Hi there! I’m a 16 year old, which means that I’m in the 12 to 36 year old age group, the most prized consumer group that every company wants to b...
churchdo.TXT -
Public schooling was one of the great ideals that our nation, the United States of America, was founded upon. It is a great privelage for every ch...
drivinga.TXT -
The streets of Bismarck are not safe anymore. Pedestrians better watch out. Main street will be an even rowdier place now.
All regular, "cleve...
gettingt.TXT -
It’s the new year, 2000, and we still have cars with wheels, disease, weather, acne, and Dick Clark. Not exactly what everyone expected.
We stu...
Elkhunti.TXT -
One hundred degree heat. Trudging through two foot high grass, with only a one-foot wide trail, all floating on an island of mud, surrounded by a ...
goodkids.TXT -
I get good grades. I'm pretty much on time to class all the time. And you know what? I’ve never gotten horribly drunk (or drunk at all, for that...
goodstuf.TXT -
Unfortunately, I think this year I’ve been pretty much coming to school, going through the motions, not causing much of a stir or anything. I’ve j...
governme.TXT -
Why is the political system the way it is? Everyone's always bickering over something, and there will never be an end to it all. We've still got ...
HighScho.TXT -
High school and college are different. I think most people can understand that. So why are they so darn similar, even though they're two totally ...
hiherald.TXT -
Here's my article. I'm sending this from Netscape in the library, it says "Sniper01 wknudson@sendit.nodak.edu" as you can see... hope it gets throu...
humoride.TXT -
a remote control testing facility. guys sitting on couches and chairs, chucking remote controls all over the place, raw cement floor, dim lighting....
Insidej1.TXT -
"So you know what Bob did? Well, he was down in that building. You know, the gray one at the end of the street he lives on? Anyway, he was walki...
Insidejo.TXT -
"So you know what Bob did? Well, he was down in that building. You know, the gray one at the end of the street he lives on? Anyway, he was walki...
Littleto.TXT -
The current happenings in Littleton, Colo., are a very sad affair indeed. That’s about all I’d like to say about them, however. It’s a sad event ...
Littlet1.TXT -
The current happening in Littleton, Colo., is a very sad affair indeed. That’s about all I’d like to say about it, however. It’s a sad event that ...
lunchtim.TXT -
Lunchtime. The break of the day. Just the word in itself is relaxing. Filling up that empty pit of a stomach, chatting to friends about nothing ...
Makingbu.TXT -
Everyone wants to own their own businesses now. All sorts of services are available to people wanting to start their own business venture, and usu...
MovieWri.TXT - Dolby Digital Sound. Huge, sprawling theater complexes, housing ten, twenty, sometimes even thirty movies in one building. Incredibly large screens...
NewYears.TXT -
It’s the new year! The worst thing that happened was probably by some yutz who couldn’t figure out how much alcohol he could willingly put down hi...
paperles.TXT -
The paperless office was an idea that first turned up in the press a couple years back when computers were first coming onto the corporate scene. ...
populari.TXT -
Popularity is a very strong power. It controls people. Nations have been won and lost just because of it. People's lives have been destroyed by ...
Presiden.TXT -
It’s the year prior to a leap year, and you know what that means: presidential election campaigns! In a move that was unfortunately expected, thi...
putyourw.TXT -
Humans are energy. Everything that goes into us comes out in some form of energy; strength, force, work, and more power intake. We humans are fin...
spending.TXT -
Hopefully everyone reading this article right now has, or will, make something special of their lives. I know I'm going to give it my darndest to ...
question.TXT -
Questions. You must ask questions at every chance you get. Question absolutely everything possible. Question EVERYTHING
teacher1.TXT -
The word teacher is pretty darn self-explanatory. Just looking it up in my trusty Webster's, it says "teacher - a person who teaches, especially a...
Thinkfor.TXT -
"So, what are you doing for the new millennium?" Aside from the fact that the new millennium begins in 2001 (a very, very small point) , this is a...
Tribun10.TXT - And now it’s a new year. As Calvin and Hobbes said, “A fresh, clean start! It’s like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on!” So to take adv...
Tribun11.TXT - New Years is that time of the year that we can take a fresh look at everything, and gives ourselves a fresh start on life.
Tribun12.TXT - We teenagers are a rare breed. The eating habits border on the animalistic. (“Watch now as the teenager eats an entire pizza, all by itself, and st...
Tribun13.TXT -
We teenagers are a rare breed. The eating habits border on the animalistic. (“Watch now as the teenager eats an entire pizza, all by itself, and ...
Tribun14.TXT -
They’re finally coming. Not just a state or two away, but into our state. And not just into
Tribun15.TXT -
The Rolling Stones played at Fargo just this last Wednesday, February 17th, 1999. I was in attendance. I’m writing this the day after, and I'm st...
Tribun16.TXT -
The Rolling Stones played at Fargo just this last Wednesday, February 17th, 1999. I was in attendance. I’m writing this the day after, and I'm st...
Tribun17.TXT -
As you may have already heard, backpacks are now a major issue facing our local school districts. Since I go to school, wear a backpack to my vari...
Tribun18.TXT -
The Legislature is back in session, and this means the next few months will be wild and wooly in the newspapers, at the capitol, and in your househ...
Tribun19.TXT - The Rolling Stones are coming to Fargo in February. This will be a huge event for big Rolling Stones fans living in North Dakota, which definitely i...
Tribun20.TXT - And now a story. *Ahem.*
As the quiet morning rose anew above the 14th century midievel town, a loud craw went out from the rooster. Although not ...
Tribun21.TXT - "No talking!" "Quiet please!" "Shhh!" These are all commonly heard through the course of the school day by students everywhere in America. These ...
Tribun22.TXT -
Being in attendance at The Rolling Stones concert held in Fargo recently was one of the most thrilling things I’ve ever had the pleasure of attendi...
Tribune1.TXT -
Since the 1960s, society overall has become much more lenient on many different issues. Before the 60s, people were shunned if they cursed in pub...
Tribune2.TXT - The new school year is upon us, so you can go ahead and let out a big collective sigh.
Tribune3.TXT -
Although some people say that kids and teens today don’t have heroes, I’d have to disagree somewhat. I mean, most any guy who wears little tight ...
Tribune4.TXT - The first nine weeks of the school year is now complete, and kids from all over Bismarck and Mandan are bringing their grades home to mother and fath...
Tribune5.TXT -
I’m now going to recite the ABCs to everyone. A, B, C, D, F...whoops. Allow me to start over. A, B, C, D, F...Aaargh! I can’t seem to stop this...
Tribune6.TXT - What do bleached hair, baggy jeans, and chains have in common? Other than those being the strict dress code of all males who live in California, and...
Tribune7.TXT - Having worries about what to get your kids, girlfriends, grandchildren, and other general loved ones, for Christmas? No need to fear, since I have a...
Tribune8.TXT - Having worries about what to get your kids, girlfriends, grandchildren, and other general loved ones, for Christmas? No need to fear, since I have a...
Tribune9.TXT -
Having worries about what to get your kids, girlfriends, grandchildren, and other general loved ones, for Christmas? No need to fear, since I ha...
TribuneA.TXT - Since the 1960s, society overall has gotten a lot more lenient on a lot of different issues. Before the 60s, you were shunned by many people if you ...
TribuneE.TXT -
Recently, as I was walking home from my school (yes, I walk sometimes, and I enjoy it!) , the air was warm. It was surprising for me how warm outs...
TribuneS.TXT -
The stage erupts with lights and sound as the greatest rock ‘n roll band ever takes to the stage to perform favorites from yesteryear and their ...
Whypeopl.TXT -
Eureka! I have found the answer to a question that has plagued man for years: why do people cry at weddings? I believe I have found the answers. ...