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The Rolling Stones are coming to Fargo in February. This will be a huge event for big Rolling Stones fans living in North Dakota, which definitely includes me. People have scampered all around November and December trying to get tickets, and by now they should already be sold out. The few exceptions will be a few scalpers who will stand outside the Fargodome the night of the concert pushing off nosebleed-section tickets for $400 a pop.

Now, this concert will be great for North Dakota in many ways. It’ll bolster Fargo’s economy by selling mad amounts of food, hotel rooms, souvenirs, and so on. If enthusiasm is as great as it’s expected to be about the concert, it may get more groups interested in performing here in North Dakota. Plus, it’ll satisfy every big Rolling Stone fan here in North Dakota who’s had to endure the trials of going out of state to see them play. These are all great things, but there are a few things that have turned out wrong about this concert, although they’re not even directly related to the Rolling Stones playing here at all!

You see, ticket prices for the Stones over there in Fargo range from $40, all the way up to $125. To the average North Dakotan, that’s a bit much money to spend on a few hours entertainment. Heck, some people will spend $20 at a bar getting plastered, and will have more fun than they would’ve had at some little music concert!

But a lot of the Rolling Stones’s biggest fans here in North Dakota are those who don’t exactly have the means of getting money to pick up $60-$70 tickets and pay for a hotel room on top of that, drive to Fargo on a school/work day, and get all the necessary things such as little souvenir pieces of crap, including the ever-popular Tommy Hilfiger Special Edition Rolling Stones jeans. A lot of fans (once again including myself) can’t really just skip a day of school or work to get a ride to one end of the state, not to mention scrounging up $70 for a three-hour concert!

See what’s in common with all these things I’m talking about? Yes, that’s right...Money! Everything here requires gobs and gobs of cash just laying about! Okay, now that may sound a bit silly and, if you’re really a Rolling Stones fan, you will probably pay almost anything to get to see them live in North Dakota. In fact, the ticket prices are apparently a lot lower than in other cities. Tickets go up to $250 in Tampa, Florida, for example.

But, because of all these factors going against true fans, the only people who will really be able to attend are people with a lot of money, or people with way too much time on their hands. Most people don’t fall into these categories, so what we’ll see is a lot of rich people who can afford to miss work/school, and who probably don’t have much of a passion for the Rolling Stones. Why would they be coming to the concert if they didn’t like the Stones?

It’s very simple. The Rolling Stones concert may easily be turned into a social event, which I’m defining here in this article as an event that’s something you just “have to be seen at.” A bunch of people there, paying more attention to how they look and who gets to see them there, than at the wonderful music that’s being played on stage. A very sickening thought indeed. Just because you have a big sack of money doesn’t mean you’re cool!

To prevent this from happening, I encourage everyone with tickets who really isn’t a true fan of the Rolling Stones to give or, yes, sell them to some one who’d appreciate it much more. Even if you’re not seen there, who cares? Tell them you were cool and went to the Garth Brooks concert...

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... The Rolling Stones are coming to Fargo in Februa...

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