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Record, measure, and improve.
Track any stat for any game, for your children, your friends, or yourself.
for iPhone and iPod Touch


Any Stat, Any Game

Track your input

or watch QuickTime Movie (higher quality)

You can use GameTrac to track common statistics for a variety of games that come with the app:

  • Basketball (Field Goal %, Steals, etc. ...)
  • Soccer (Goals, Yellow Cards, Red Cards...)
  • Football (Carries, Yards, TDs...)
  • Running and biking (Time and distance)
  • Hockey (Goals, Assists, Time on Ice...)

...or add any other game to GameTrac! Track how many aces you've served, the score of a family card game, or anything else you can imagine. GameTrac captures data quickly and easily.


Statistical Analysis Made Easy

Statstics view
Graph your data

GameTrac's analysis tools show how your stats change over time.

Graphs are available for visual learners, and the raw numbers are available for numerically-minded people. badge_iconAll numerical data can be exported to a tab-delimited file and placed into a spreadsheet for further analysis on your PC.

GameTrac reminds you about in-progress matches using the red icon badge.


Share your stats via Facebook, Twitter, or email facebook-discussion

Share with Facebook, Twitter, or Email

Let your friends and family know about the big game you just won by posting to Facebook or Twitter directly from GameTrac!

To the right is one of many Facebook conversations that spontaneously happened during GameTrac's beta testing. These friends are cheering on the player, even though they could not be at the game and do not own GameTrac.

You can also email statistical data to friends or yourself. Comprehensive backups of all the data stored within GameTrac are exported, including timestamps for every action you perform in the app. For example, every time you increase the shot count in a basketball game, GameTrac will take note of the time of day, so you can know how often you sink field goals.

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    Purchase GameTrac


    Click here to purchase GameTrac today. You receive all future 1.x updates free through the iTunes App Store.

    Upcoming 1.x features include:

    • Google Docs support - export straight to a Google Docs spreadsheet
    • Advanced stat filtering
    • Geotagging of matches
    • And more! E-mail your ideas to us.

    iPhone Apps and News Yappler

    GameTrac 1.0 Press Release

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